Friday, June 15, 2012

{[6] To The Moon!!! Did We Really GO There??? Or, Deep, In Space, Anywhere???

                          To The Moon, And Beyond!!! Did We Really Go There?

                                              Then, Answer Me This . . . .                                               

(F) How Did They Solve, ... "The Three Body Problem"????

Physicists knew of it, ... even before the 1960's, ..... and it was not solved, even by the 1970's.

(G) How Did They, ... "Catch Up", ... To The Moon????

The Earth, ... travels around the Sun, ... at over 66,000 Miles Per Hour.
The Moon, ... travels, ... even faster!

(H) And Upon Return, ... How Did They, ... "Catch Back Up", ... To The Earth????

The Earth did not Stand Still, ... While The Astronauts, ... were on the Moon.
Nor, ... did it wait around for them, ... after they left the Moon, ... to return to the Earth.

(I) How Do They Get The Space Station Each Year, ... To Dodge The August Meteor Showers?

Even Debrii the size of a Dust Particle, ... could knock a hole, ... in the side
of the Space Station, ... the size of a Refrigerator!

We encounter Debrii of multiple sizes, ... left in our Planet's Orbit, ... (Presumably by some Ancient, earlier, unknown, ... Comet), ... every August, ... of the Year, ... that cause our, ... August Meteor Showers.

But, for some, ... Fortuitous Reason, ... The International Space Station, ... has managed to dodge, ... any and all, ... such debrii, ... FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS!!!

And yet, ... the Space Station, ... is at least 200 Miles, ... above the surface, ... of the Earth, ........ well outside the Earth's Atmosphere, ... (which, said atmosphere, by NASA's own reconning, ends at 70 or 80 Miles, ... above the Earth's surface!).

With This Information Considered, . . . .
Why Don't  YOU, ... ask  NASA, ... if we, ... went to the Moon, ... or anywhere,  else in Space?

YOU can ask NASA, . . . to respond, . . . Or, . . . YOU CAN ANSWER FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!

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