Monday, January 3, 2011

[4] To The Moon!!! Did We Really GO There??? Or, Deep, In Space, Anywhere???

                                 To The Moon, And Beyond!!! Did We Really Go There?

                                                      Then, Answer Me This . . . .

(D) How Do They Get Their Space Craft Doors Open, . . . Once They Are Shut????

During the Mid 1960’s, NASA, while conducting experiments, with various materials, and testing how they responded, when exposed to Space, discovered that two Metal surfaces, when touching each other, and being exposed to Space, underwent a Bonding, and became stuck together, to such an extent, and, as though, they had been, Welded together, with a Torch!!! They finally named this Process, “Cold Welding”, and NEVER found a solution, for it!!!

Space Craft Doors, and or, Hatches, have to be closed VERY Tightly, in order to prevent, Air, from leaking out.

How did the Astronauts, that supposedly, went to the Moon, get their various, Doors, Hatches, Door Frames, and Docking Mechanisms, to Re-open, after, each time, they closed them, as Flush, and as Hard, and as Tight, as they could Make them, to Prevent, Air, from escaping????

Those Doors are made of Metal. And, even allowing, for a layer, of Rubber, Foam, or Plastic Cushioning, on the Doors, and Door Frames, to lessen the contact, of Metal on Metal (and to assist in making them, Air Tight), the Metals, of the mechanisms, Must come, very tightly, into Contact. And, this, does NOT excuse, the inner, and outer, openings, of Air Locks!!!

So, how did, those Astronauts, get those Doors, Hatches, and Docking Mechanism, that were mostly made of Metal, to Re-open, EVERY Time, They were Previously Closed????

And, even more recently, how are the occupants, of the International Space Station, of Modern Times, getting their various, Doors, Hatches, and Docking Mechanisms, that are Exposed, DIRECTLY, to Space, to Function, properly, EVERY TIME!!!!!!!

The Problem, of “Cold Welding”, was NEVER Solved.

The whole thing is based, on something called, “The Coefficient Of Friction”.

For most materials, when they are Cold, and they come, into Contact, with each other, their “Coefficient Of Friction”, INCREASES. Very few materials’ “Coefficient Of Friction”, Decreases, when they are very Cold, and they come into Contact, with other objects.

Water, happens to be one of the exceptions. When it Freezes, its “Coefficient Of Friction”, goes very Low. That’s why most things slide on ICE. ICE, is frozen Water.

All bonding, and or, Contact, between two surfaces, is based on, and dependant on, their “Coefficient Of Friction”.

The Higher, the “Coefficient Of Friction”, between two materials, when they are in Contact, the More they Bond Together, and the less they Slip, and Slide apart.

The Lower, the “Coefficient Of Friction”, between two materials, when they are in Contact, the Less they Bond Together, and the more they Slip, and Slide apart.

The “Coefficient Of Friction” of all substances, seems to be based, on the amount of FREE Electrons, they have available, at various temperatures.

For Most materials, as they get Colder, the number of FREE Electrons, they have available, INCREASES. Bonding, between various Materials, seems to be based on the number, of FREE Electrons, they have available, at a given temperature.

As the temperature, of most materials, goes toward Absolute Zero, the coldest temperature, (about a Minus 273 Degrees Kelvin), which is approached very closely, in Deep Space, The number of FREE Electrons, they have, for Bonding with other substances, INCREASES Dramatically.

Some, hope to use this principle, in making some sort of high gain, potentially perpetual motion, electricity generator, for future energy sources.

But, the increase in Bonding, due to an increase in the “Coefficient Of Friction” between materials, as temperatures go down, is not just limited to Metals.

Have you ever tried to stick your Tongue, to a Metal Flag Pole, at Zero Degrees Fahrenheit, or to a Plastic Flag Pole, for that matter.

If you have, . . . . then you know what I mean about the increase in Bonding, between materials, as the temperature goes, drastically down.

If you have NOT tried it, . . . . then I suggest that you DON’T!!! At least Not without having more than one Other person, present, who You TRUST Completely, with some Warm Water, at hand, to get your Tongue, unstuck, from the Flag Pole!!!!!!!

Zero Degrees Fahrenheit, is about 400 Degrees Fahrenheit, ABOVE Absolute Zero!!! As I’ve said, the Coldness of Space, Approaches Absolute Zero!!! Not just Zero Degrees Fahrenheit!!!!

Those Space Craft, and their outer Doors, Hatches, and Docking Mechanisms, are exposed to the Coldness of Space.

Now, . . . you answer me this, . . . how did NASA get around, . . .the Fundamental Nature of all Materials, especially, Metals, Plastics, Rubber, and even Insulators, . . . . that is displayed, in their “Coefficient Of Friction”, . . . as their temperature approaches Absolute Zero????????

Ask NASA, . . .if you wish, . . . Or, YOU, . . . ANSWER FOR,. . . YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!

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